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Thursday, June 10, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

Free hops to collect - Scotland Central Belt - Now offering postage (details in post #6)

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 02:21 AM PDT

The very generous Dave Lannigan at Ride Brewing Co has offered up some spare hops for collection, these are whole leaf hops. I've already filled all that I could from the kind offer from Glasgow home brewers facebook group. Dave apparently has more and has offered for me to collect them. Now I already have plenty but if there were takers from Central Scotland that would like some free whole leaf hops then I'd be willing to collect a few bales and if you brought your own containers you could...

Free hops to collect - Scotland Central Belt - Now offering postage (details in post #6)

Can anyone suggest a yeast for this english pale ale?

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 02:14 AM PDT

Hi, All!

I'm looking forward yeast suggestions for the following English pale.

A full bodied, fruity ale with a subtle bitterness and glorious grapefruit and pine aromas. Whitstable Bay Pale Ale is designed to suit all palates and offer a light, thirst quenching, refreshing taste

I will be using Maris otter, some Pilsner, a light touch of Crystal and sugar.
Hops- challenger and Slovenian Goldings, added mostly late.

But what yeast?

I have liberty bell and verdant kicking about...

Can anyone suggest a yeast for this english pale ale?

The best of the best?

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 02:10 AM PDT

Fathers day is coming and I'll be asked what I want, I'm tempted by a two can/pouch kit. I have brewed AG for years.

Eliminating the crazy over hopped IPAs what's the best of the best?

Atb. Aamcle

Greg hughes single hop pale ale

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 02:04 AM PDT

Hi, I did this last Friday, Amarillo single hop pale ale from Greg hughes.
4.7kg extra pale MO
235g cara malt
18 litres mash
14.5 sparge
Amarillo 8.9%
28g @ boil
15g @ 15 min +protofloc
15g @ 5 min
42g @ hopstand 80°c 20 mins
SafAle 04
OG 10.48
After 5 days it's at 1010 but its very bland and dry. I know it's early but does this seem OK to anyone. All my figures were very close and it worked out about 74% efficiency

Get an auto siphon they said. It'll be easy they said.

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 01:42 AM PDT

Got myself an auto siphon for the bottling stage, seemed to be working grand if a bit pernickety. Sanitised it and the bottles etc, prepared the sugar water etc. boring stuff done.

As soon as I started using it to siphon to the bottling bucket...disaster. It wouldn't start, the main canister of the auto siphon kept filling up rather than the tube bit! Retried loads of times, no luck. So much beer would splash out of the siphon chamber over everywhere, I was afraid of...

Get an auto siphon they said. It'll be easy they said.

Nicks90's Brewdays

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 01:26 AM PDT

Far too many of my brew posts now - so time to consolidate them all in to one thread!

AG#1 - Best Bitter

Boil Time: 30 min
Batch Size: 16 liters
Boil Size: 19 liters

3 kg - Maris Otter Pale (93%)
0.2 kg - Crystal 60L (4.7%)
0.1 kg - Crystal 140L (2.3%)

20 g - Challenger, 30 min,
10 g - East Kent Goldings, 5 min,
10 g - Fuggles, 0 min,

Ended up with OG of 1.058 so diluted with 2l to bring it down to 1.048 and ABV of 4.8%

bloody marvelous pint. Maybe a...

Nicks90's Brewdays

Newbie looking for a good lager starter kit

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 01:21 AM PDT

Hi everyone,

I'm brand new to the hobby and I'm looking for a full lager kit with everything in to brew some light crisp lager about 3.5 abv (usually only have a few bud lights on a weekend)

i would prefer a kit which comes with glass bottles if possible so I can enjoy them straight out of the glass instead of having to pour out a plastic one

my friend has recommended coopers European? Is this good or is there something better?

any help is much appreciated

Oak flavour

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 01:16 AM PDT

One of the things that strikes me is that classically finished wine is aged in the barrel, yet kit wines see oak for 10-14 days during primary.
Does anyone have experience of adding Oak cubes during seconday fermentation (ie another 14 days)? Does it add any more flavour?

New member be kind...

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 01:15 AM PDT

Not been home brewing that long only about 3 years I started off with a Coopers European beer, I then tried making ciders from kits and I found these were lacking something, so I tried having a go at making ciders out of cartons apple juice and I never knew there was a name for it and that name is Turbo ciders.

I will remember well the turbo ciders group but the person who ran it had posts on approval only. So meeting you was posting things by the time it was accepted onto the group you...

New member be kind...

Poundland bargain

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 01:14 AM PDT

Just nipped into Poundland to grab some water and seen this 4 glass flight for £5

Can't beat it for that price.


Your go to kit apple cider?

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 01:09 AM PDT

All what is your go to kit cider? I've tried the Mangrove Jacks Apple, and most recently the Festival kit.
my preference is the MJ one as I find the Festival kit to have a chemically taste (sweetener?) or forced apple flavour.

Help with All Grain Recipe

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 01:07 AM PDT

Hi, Making the jump to All Grain brewing soon.
I'm looking to make an IPA to begin with and I'm not familiar/comfortable with which grains to use yet.
I've made some nice SMASHs with Marris Otter so I'll probably go with that as my base.
I made some Extract brews with 2kg Pale DME and 1KG Amber DME, so a conversion of that would be appreciated.

Basically, I'll take any advice I can get.


Posted: 10 Jun 2021 12:52 AM PDT

Has any of you experience using iSpindel? Which software you suggest to get the data?

CO2 loss

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 12:38 AM PDT

Morning brewers could I seek a bit of advice please. I'm setting up my mangrove kegerator and decided to check for gas loss. I connected all as per videos and installed a corny keg. I then took the pressure up to 22psi and shut down the gas bottle. After one hour the pressure dropped to 20psi then settled down and over the next 15 hours it dropped to 19psi. To me this seems acceptable but could someone confirm this for me please. I did spray the joints with a sanitise solution and could see...

CO2 loss

Saison - no airlock activity

Posted: 10 Jun 2021 12:36 AM PDT

Hi guys,

Would like to get some thoughts on this please.
Am brewing a Mangrove Jacks Belgian Saison kit and I am 60 hours since pitching the yeast, just a bit concerned as there is no airlock activity.
I was under the impression that with a Saison you tend to get a lot of activity in the first few days but it all seems a bit quiet.
There is some krausen and air bubbles on the underside of the lid so am not overly worried but this is the first time I have done a brew and not seen any airlock...

Saison - no airlock activity


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