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Thursday, July 22, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

Covid the jab and the final stage.

Posted: 22 Jul 2021 03:41 PM PDT

SWMBO is a front line worker (carer) she has had the first jab and is now tested twice a week she also has the lateral flow test with the results showing 30 minutes after the test whenever she goes to work on the other days, there are no cases of Covid where she works and there hasn't been for quite a while.

I am hoping as a front line worker my turn will come soon my age will also help, its not often i am glad i am an old fart. :laugh8:

Keeping your cool

Posted: 22 Jul 2021 03:15 PM PDT

I'm realising how annoying this weather is for brewing 🥵. It's far easier to keep something warm than it is to keep it cool, so this hot weather is a bit of a faff with my brew fridge being used to keep things cool rather than being able to leave the beer to condition at room temperature. I do worry about the kegs of beer that are being stored in the garage that don't fit in the fridge and whether the weather will spoil all the hard work. What's your experience of warm conditions for storage...

Keeping your cool

Advice please: using hop pellets

Posted: 22 Jul 2021 02:38 PM PDT

Tomorrow I am planning to do my first brew using pelleted hops (they are NZ ones, so I guess they are easier to transport like that).
My Burco has a smooth base (integrated element) and has a sort of false bottom made out of a SS drum sieve (see DIY false bottom for Burco) about 30cm across:

I also have a small (A5 size?) nylon bag kindly chucked in by CML...

Advice please: using hop pellets

Chateau Cafe Light substitute

Posted: 22 Jul 2021 02:15 PM PDT

Hi, just wondered if anyone knew of any substitute for this? I've googled but can't find anything... I was going to make a malt miller order and they don't have it.


foxbat's brewdays

Posted: 22 Jul 2021 02:04 PM PDT

I thought I might as well join the fun and post my own brewday log here in the forum. Today is an experimental bitter with the following recipe. I've never used Northdown before but Fullers use it and I very much enjoy a pint of Pride. I've also never added Chocolate malt to a bitter before but it's there in one of my favourite bitters of late: Darkstar Partridge so I'm putting the two together and doing this today:

85% Pale Malt
10% Munich Malt
3% Crystal 240 EBC
2% Low colour chocolate...

foxbat's brewdays

HopCat - Rubber Washers

Posted: 22 Jul 2021 01:26 PM PDT

After giving significant hints before my recent birthday, without success, I recently bought a HopCat.

I have set it up and note that it included 2 rubber washers, but these are not mentioned at all in the manual. Does anybody know if these are just spares or where I should have used them?

Opinions please

Posted: 22 Jul 2021 01:08 PM PDT

I'm looking to upgrade ( slightly)
I've been brewing, quite successfully, biab in a 30L plastic bucket with a couple of cheap kettle elements.
A couple of things are annoying me though.
Firstly when I lift the bag out it makes a bit of a mess no matter how careful I am, so I think a basket or malt pipe would solve this.
More annoying though is the kettle elements, it doesn't matter what I do, they always end up covered in burnt wort no matter what I try.
I've even used just one to bring it...

Opinions please

Closed Transfer Problem

Posted: 22 Jul 2021 12:17 PM PDT

Does anyone have any tips for keeping the end of the dip tub under the surface of the beer in a fermzilla all rounder or similar when doing a transfer?

I've noticed a couple of times now the dip tube ends up sitting on the surface and I end up with a lot gas and froth going into the keg and wasting gas. As a result I have to slosh it about a bit to get it back under the surface again.

***update*** bit more research suggests slipping a couple of stainless nuts/washers over the dip tube

Forum T-Shirt - SECOND RUN -

Posted: 22 Jul 2021 12:07 PM PDT

Hi everyone.

It seems a bit odd starting a thread for a second run of the T-shirt's/ Polo shirts when the first lot are still yet to be sent but I have had a few requests so a new thread will make it easier for me to keep track of things. Printing of the first run is well under way and I expect these to be shipped mid week next week. The second run will probably be shipped 1st week of June. If you missed out on the first run and would like one on the second run, please reply to this thread...

Forum T-Shirt - SECOND RUN -

Beer Flavour

Posted: 22 Jul 2021 11:10 AM PDT

Ok, im not even sure I know how to explain this, but here goes.
Every type of beer I brew ends up having a distinct "homebrew" flavour. It's not an unpleasant flavour, but it does detract from the beer style flavour.
When I come out of the fermenter into the corny it's not there, but over time it develops.
I brew all grain, various types (I have noticed it's not as pronounced in wheat beers)and keg in cornies.
Any suggestions?


Hi from East Anglia

Posted: 22 Jul 2021 11:02 AM PDT

Hi all, thanks for letting me join. Currently I'm firmly in the 'all the gear, no idea ' camp having invested in a grainfather and associated stainless steel bin. First Brew is in the fermenter now. Looking forward to learning and one day contributing here. Cheers Adam


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