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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Aussie Home Brewer

Aussie Home Brewer

Nano vs Brewzilla or Guten

Posted: 25 Aug 2021 09:52 PM PDT

Hi Brewers,

Very new to this brewing scene, but excited to get more into it, only been fermenting bottling and kegging brought worts so far but keen to do the whole deal.

I'm guessing this topic has come up a lot but couldn't find a clear answer on what is the best option in previous posts so here I am. I want to brew single batch's (20Lish) pale ales, pacific ales, and beers similar to this which I believe use around 5 kg of grain per 20kg brew am I right?.. I'm interested in the cheeky...

Nano vs Brewzilla or Guten

FS: Bris (pickup only) Taprite sec. reg. / Andale gas board

Posted: 25 Aug 2021 07:26 PM PDT

Hi all, up for sale is a gas board I built that doesn't fit into my latest kegerator build:

- Taprite secondary regulator - 3-way regulator + pass through, check valves
- 9-point gas distribution using Andale Snaplok fittings
- some spares

One of the Snaplok fittings (bottom-right from memory) has a leak but a new seal should fix that, just haven't gotten around to it.

Pickup from Camp Hill or Milton, needs to go by Sunday 29th August before it gets put on a truck with the rest of the...

FS: Bris (pickup only) Taprite sec. reg. / Andale gas board

Coopers Brew A IPA

Posted: 25 Aug 2021 03:33 AM PDT

I just tried a coopers brew A IPA I had bottle conditioned for 2 weeks.
Unfortunately the taste was pretty disappointing this time around but I'll see if it improves in 2 weeks conditioning, otherwise it'll probably go down the sink.

Strangely, I have made this same recipe before and it was good, but this time it was not very tasty and the brew was much darker. It was not far off tooheys old colour!

Before, when I have made this the EBC was around 19, this time it was probably around 26...

Coopers Brew A IPA


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