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Thursday, August 12, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

Issues with Wyeast

Posted: 12 Aug 2021 08:15 PM PDT

This is my 5th time using a yeast from Wyeast and everytime I have been disappointed. They all seem to take 3-4 days to get active and then I have never been really impressed with the outcome. The latest batch kicked off after about 2 days and then a day later died out fermenting from 1052 to 1048. I ended up dumping half a pack of s189 in and it's happily chugging away. Bad luck or is Wyeast just a pain to use?


Posted: 12 Aug 2021 06:51 PM PDT

Has any of you experience using iSpindel? Which software you suggest to get the data?

Wy3068 vs WLP300

Posted: 12 Aug 2021 05:19 PM PDT

It seems that every time I get round to brewing a wheat beer GEB are out of Wy3068. I had it in my head that WLP300 is the same strain, but can't find any corroboration of that online.
Planning to brew a malty dark weizenbock next Thursday and wanted a good blast of banana esters to compliment the malts.
Is anyone familiar with the White labs strain and how it compares to the Weihenstephen?

Awful flavour

Posted: 12 Aug 2021 04:12 PM PDT

2nd batch in a couple of weeks now with a terrible flavour
Had one a few weeks ago but the beer looked milky so put it down to infection but this one looks perfect but just tastes awful is there any ideas out there that any one tried and made it drinkable
I'm thinking hop oils or fruit juice or maybe even fruit
It's in the keg now and I don't want throw away another brew


Posted: 12 Aug 2021 04:06 PM PDT

A while ago the electric company sent a crew to take down a tree that was encroaching on a power line. Several days ago we noticed a bunch of wasps seem to have possibly taken up residence in the stump.
We had no wasps before the tree was removed.

Lalbrew London..again

Posted: 12 Aug 2021 04:05 PM PDT

Hello all
I've got a Fivepoints bitter clone lined up and was planning on using the above mentioned yeast. Mash temp for recipe is 67c but I'm wondering, with that temp there'll be more unfermentable sugars and combined with the London attenuation, typical fg 1.020,what that will result in? Should I adjust the mash temp or change yeast or just go with it?

Climate Change

Posted: 12 Aug 2021 03:42 PM PDT

I guess covid is now old news as climate change rears its head again they have been discussing heat pumps and hydrogen fueled boilers at £20,000 are the government going to put 19 grand towards it as I am sure not many of us could afford to buy one.

PilgrimHudds Brewdays

Posted: 12 Aug 2021 02:55 PM PDT

Thought i'd bring all my brewdays together in one thread.

Had a day off today and because Foxbats Mainline beer seems to have been the most popular amongst my friends, alongside GH's Paterbeir I thought I would brew it again.

Looking for somewhere between 17-20l for the FV and am still finding my way around my cygnet water boiler so using fag packet maths I used

300og Maris Otter
120g Caramalt
40g Chocolate Wheat
100g Crystal that I found at the bottom of the box and decided to get...

PilgrimHudds Brewdays

New Mango Pale Ale from Mangrove Jacks

Posted: 12 Aug 2021 02:47 PM PDT

I really like the sound of this - sounds like a great summer pint (though unless we get an Indian summer, it's probably already too late for this year). Apparently, it's a limited edition so may not be around for long. No idea why they do that, but given the quality of MJ kits, I'm certainly going to give this a try - would just like to see a review somewhere first.

Blackberry Turbo Cider - how much fruit to use?

Posted: 12 Aug 2021 02:07 PM PDT

Hi All,
I am planning a blackberry turbo cider with supermarket juice and fresh blackberries. Can anyone suggest how much fruit I should use in a one gallon demijohn mix?

No covid jab

Posted: 12 Aug 2021 01:45 PM PDT

Hi all was talking to people in work today both around the 40 year old mark
And told theres not a chance in hell they will take the vaccination
Just wondering is there many more like this
I have it and I'm happy I got it

How many litres of home brew have you made 2021.

Posted: 12 Aug 2021 01:10 PM PDT

Last years record has been smashed was Covid part of the reason, did you make more in 2020 than you would have had covid not happened?

2020 total - 33156

2019 total - 22,170

2018 total - 15337

Collaborative Malt Group Buy - September

Posted: 12 Aug 2021 12:59 PM PDT


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