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Thursday, May 6, 2021

Aussie Home Brewer

Aussie Home Brewer

Wheat malt vs. Raw wheat

Posted: 06 May 2021 10:00 PM PDT

I've been digging around but can't seem to find much about this. What's the difference (taste, yield, ebc etc) between malted and raw, unmalted wheat malt?

Re-iterated Mash

Posted: 06 May 2021 09:16 PM PDT

I recently did a Barley Wine with a 15kg grain bill. I ended up having to use all my water to mash with, leaving nothing over for sparging, so efficiency was down quite a bit. So I'm about to do an Imperial Stout, and thought this time I would try a re-iterated mash. Haven't done this before but it looks pretty straight forward.

So I divide the malt in half, mash in, then sparge to bring the volume back to the original mash in volume and then dough in the second half of the malt, then...

Re-iterated Mash

Continuing Jokes Thread

Posted: 06 May 2021 06:15 PM PDT

Ok I'll kick off with a couple.

Did you hear about the masochist who loved to take cold showers so he didn't.


Paddy and Seamus had missed the last bus and were walking home at midnight, when they passed the bus depot. A window was open so Paddy hopped in to steal a bus. After much banging and crashing Paddy came back out through the window.

"We're out of luck, Seamus, there wasn't a number 153 in there"


Continuing Jokes Thread

No chill bladder (cube alternative)

Posted: 06 May 2021 05:48 PM PDT

Has anyone got much experience with these?

I used them for the first time for a double batch and they worked well. I often knockout 15L increments on my large system then dilute when I pitch. They are probably not suitable for that as it's a bit hard to weigh as you fill.

has anyone rigged something up to make it easy to fill them? I sat them in a Cooper's fermenter...

No chill bladder (cube alternative)

Hops - cascade, comet (T90 pellets)

Posted: 06 May 2021 01:06 AM PDT

Hops! Pick up Enoggera 4051 or can post. May be able to deliver locally.

I bought in bulk with some friends and have come to realise I don't need quite so much of one variety... so I have some CASCADE and COMET hops for sale.

Cold stored during transport, vacuum sealed and kept in chest freezer since purchase. Bought mid September 2020 so have been stored about 6 months.

100g - $6
500g - $25
1kg - $45

100g - $7
500g - $30
1kg - $50...

Hops - cascade, comet (T90 pellets)


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