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Tuesday, May 4, 2021

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The HomeBrew Forum

Watering down beer

Posted: 04 May 2021 07:03 PM PDT

Just wondered if there are any views on adding water to fermenting beers?

I've got a couple on the go (Youngs American IPA and my Australian Monster) that are both currently over 6.5% with a brew length of 21.5 litres (I habitually brew a bit short). Is there any reason why adding a litre of water to the fermenter now to slightly nudge them down, would be different to using more water at the start of the...

Watering down beer

Coopers Irish stout

Posted: 04 May 2021 06:01 PM PDT

Hi all
looking at my next kit brew and thinking Coopers premium Irish Stout.
anyone tried this ?
I was thinking of adding richies extra dark spray malt 1 kg. Is this to much

any thoughts greatly appreciated

thanks in advance

Opened 3 bottles during carbonation just for taste test?

Posted: 04 May 2021 05:49 PM PDT

Can my 3 bottles that i opened during carbonation i just had a sip of them then put the lid back on can i still drink these if chilled just finished the batch and got these 3 bottles an really could do with a few more beers 🤣

Forum T-Shirt.

Posted: 04 May 2021 05:07 PM PDT

New members may not be aware that we have in the past had 4 runs of forum T-Shirts (two are pictured below) thanks to member Dan125, new forum sponsor Benfleet Brewery said he may be interested in making a run so if you would be interested please add your name to the thread.

Designs can be discussed but this predominantly to see if there is enough interest so no need to give sizes just say how many you would like if it goes ahead.


Forum T-Shirt.

Has fermentation finished??

Posted: 04 May 2021 04:25 PM PDT

Another dumb question - sorry! My batch of 30litres of chardonnay has been fermenting for 7 days - I've had two hydrometer readings of 1000, but have noticed the occasional rumble from the airlock. thought it had stopped. Will it affect the wine if I leave it on the dead yeast for maybe another week? Just want to make sure I'm not degassing/clearing too soon. Thanks for any advice!

Wanted - Counterflow Chiller

Posted: 04 May 2021 04:05 PM PDT

Looking to move away from my stainless immersion chiller. Considering the Kegland Collossus from TMM unless anyone is looking to sell theirs.


C02 Regulator

Posted: 04 May 2021 04:02 PM PDT

Good evening guys

What's the best Regulator for a Corny and whereabouts would I get this from as the one I have is a bit rubbish many thanks.

What are you drinking tonight 2021?

Posted: 04 May 2021 03:56 PM PDT

Nothing for me i have work in the morning. :(

New to Partial Grain Brewing

Posted: 04 May 2021 03:27 PM PDT

I've previously only brewed extract kits - to great success with some of the Mangrove Jacks kits!

I'd like to be able to personalise brews a little further without taking the plunge with any additional brewing kit for all grain.

This may be a stupid question but could I boil spraymalt/flaked rice with a chosen blend of hops and stick it in the FV like I would an extract kit? Or is there more to it than this?


Accidental aeration

Posted: 04 May 2021 02:58 PM PDT

Hi folks, first time poster and novice brewer here.

I brew with a mate in his garage and he phoned today to say that our Fuller's London Porter clone had stopped bubbling and was giving a reading of 1.028. Stuck ferment I thought, until I read that our new refractometer has to be adjusted for the alcohol. I believe now that the reading is actually 1.014, so it's nearly done.

Unfortunately my mate jumped the gun and gave the fermenter a good rouse. I've told him to pop it back into the...

Accidental aeration

Elderberry wine

Posted: 04 May 2021 02:45 PM PDT

Good morning all,
Is there anyone here who has made Elderberry wine either from a kit or 'natural'. If so could you please let me know the process as ive only ever made the supermarket turbo wine and wine from wine kits.
Tried taking a look online but i can only find Elderflower which ive been told isnt the same thing.
Any help would be appreicated.

Why does Youngs America IPA take so long?

Posted: 04 May 2021 02:21 PM PDT

It seems to be generally acknowledged that the Youngs America IPA kit can take a while (often more than two weeks - sometimes much more) to finish fermenting. Does anyone know why? Is it the yeast strain or something else?

I've got one on the go and after about 6 days airlock activity had slowed significantly. On day 11 now and it's bubbling occasionally with a hydrometer reading of 1014 (started out at 1060) so it's mostly there but I have a feeling it may take a while yet to reach around...

Why does Youngs America IPA take so long?

Good news!

Posted: 04 May 2021 02:10 PM PDT

It looks like my wife and I are going to be buying a 1248 square foot house in Indiana. The cost will only be about $90 more a month than what we're now paying to live in less than 300 square feet of substandard housing in California.

80L/100L Stock Pot

Posted: 04 May 2021 02:10 PM PDT

Hi everyone,

Looking online, all the home-brew shops are sold out of large stock pots. I've messaged Mr Lard to ask when he will have some back in.

I also tried to email Bergland but the email bounced back so I assume they aren't trading any more.

If anyone happens to see any new pots at a reasonable price please let me know :beer1:

Amazing customer service from Geterbrewed

Posted: 04 May 2021 01:57 PM PDT

I've recently bought a Brewster Beacon 40 all-in-one brewer from Geterbrewed.
For reasons I won't go into here (it's on another thread) I suspected that I might have been supplied with an incorrect part for it.
At 1115 this morning, I e-mailed Geterbrewed to ask if this might be the case. I got a response before 1300, saying that they would contact the (Danish) suppliers and forward the details of my query. OK, I thought, I'll maybe wait a week to see if I get anything back.
To my...

Amazing customer service from Geterbrewed


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