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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

3 Homebrew Cleaning Steps 🧼

They said if you get into homebrewing, you better like cleaning. I've learned to LOVE cleaning! I like to see my equipment shine after a long brew day so it's ready to go for the next one

Now, while I'm always thinking about how I can improve my brewing process, what about my cleaning process? I have a few tricks I use to improve my brewery cleaning process and I want to share them with you today.

1. Reuse Chiller Water for Cleaning
When I'm chilling down the beer, I collect the hot wastewater in either a bucket or my hot liquor tank instead of letting it go down the drain. And I use the hot water to run through my system and clean out my mash tun and boil kettle.

What's great about hot water is I rarely have to use a cleaning solution. A hot rinse in sometimes all you need.

Every once in a while, I'll mix in a little PBW and let the system soak for a whole day to really bring the original shine back. And PBW works best in hot water. So it's a win-win.

2. Use a Mesh Bag In Your Mash Tun
Instead of digging out all the spent grain manually, if you use a mesh bag in your mash tun, all you have to do is pull the grains out in one fell swoop. Empty the mesh bag, turn it inside out, and give a rinse. Boom! Your mash tun is clean and ready for the next brew day!

3. Scrub Daddy
I found out about using the Scrub Daddy from Bruloshpy. Before I used to just use a nylon brush. It worked, but the scrub daddy works 10 times better. The leverage plus the scrubbing action from a rough sponge really does the trick. And it won't scratch stainless steel.

Also, it's soft in warm water and hardens in cold water. Another level of cleaning technology. Fascinating! I highly recommend picking up a few.

Here are some more cleaning tips too. And if you have any cleaning hacks, I would love to hear about them. I'm always looking to improve, so please reply!
Happy Brewing!
Matt, Founder of Brew Cabin
P.S. - Looking for a way to improve your all-grain brewing process? The Level Up All Grain Video Course is the perfect resource for brewers who want to take their game to the next level. With over 6 hours of video content, this course will help you dial in your system and improve your all-grain brewing process.

Improve your beer quality by learning new techniques and processes that are covered in this video course! Topics include water chemistry, yeast health, mashing, fermentation temperature, dry-hopping, and more. You'll be able to brew better beer with less effort after watching these videos!

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