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Sunday, June 6, 2021

Aussie Home Brewer

Aussie Home Brewer

Water additions

Posted: 06 Jun 2021 04:23 AM PDT

Hey all,

About to dive into mineral additions to attempt to replicate a water profile.

Given the sydney water website locates your address and will then spit out details specifically for brewing, ive come up with the below beersmith calcs for a burton on trent water profile. Does the attached look about right?

As i'm a chemistry novice, will the additions correct the PH, as apprently BOT has a PH of 8, would you buffer this to 5.4 for mashing/sparging?

Buckwheat Groats versus Malted Buckwheat in gluten free beer

Posted: 05 Jun 2021 11:20 PM PDT

After suddenly becoming gluten intolerant this year, I'm looking at getting into gluten free home brewing as buying commercial made is expensive. I have some recipes I'm going to try out but am looking at Buckwheat as one of the grains I will use. I have a recipe that involves just using unmilled Buckwheat Groats (and toasted red lentils) in a bag in your brew kettle while you heat it up to 71 degrees then remove the bag.

I had another recipe that involved toasting the groats then...

Buckwheat Groats versus Malted Buckwheat in gluten free beer


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