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Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Mix Things Up With First Wort Hopping

Hey there!

While sampling our latest brew, we dreamt up a surefire Hollywood hit. Directed by M. Night Shyamalan and starring Mark "Let's Pretend Good Vibrations Never Happened" Wahlberg, The Hoppening is a suspenseful tale of people putting their hops in the kettle before they boil the wort—AKA first wort hopping. The twist ending: there is no twist. MADNESS!

OK, so there's a reason we're not famous screenwriters. But first wort hopping does have a certain mystery. Fans swear it tempers the hops and improves flavor. And this unorthodox technique has some other benefits, too. While you investigate, take a peek at eight hop varieties straight from Oz. And if you're looking to shake up your hop game another way, learn how cryogenics are driving a new era of high-quality hop options for homebrewers.

Happy Brewing!
Matt, Founder of
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