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Friday, July 23, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

TETB’s Brewdays

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 07:02 PM PDT

Well it's been a long time coming due to other commitment, but today I finally did my third AG brew (woo Hoo).
It was a day of 'firsts':
  • first time doing water treatment (thanks for the advice @strange-steve, @JockyBrewer)
  • first time brewing @Galena 's Best Bitter (thanks for the recipe Mr G)
  • first time doing HERMS
  • first time using liquid yeast
  • first time using my counterflow
and last but not least...

TETB's Brewdays

So how come...

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 06:49 PM PDT

...when I ask a question on here, loads of people reply with, "well I did a quick google..." as if that was something of a revelation. I want people's opinion and experience on this particular forum, where I've been buzzing about for a few years and know who talks sense and who doesn't. It's as if I'm ignorant of the ways of the internet, or something. Do people not understand the idea of a forum?

Hello from. Darren.

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 04:31 PM PDT

Hello all πŸ‘‹

Anyone from or close to Ramsgate in Kent?

Hudson1984 Homebar Build

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 03:03 PM PDT

So, perhaps some of you will have seen the tap tower plan. Well that's now become a complete rebuild of my home bar....





So this is where I've started. The bar is normally a bit tidier, but this was the only picture I had before I've ripped it out.

The Kegerator has gone, the worktop and cabinets have gone and in it's place is the beast:

Hudson1984 Homebar Build

3rd AG brew 1 week in

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 02:05 PM PDT

My 3rd AG brew. 1 week in I had to have a taste. It's an APA dry hopped and really happy with it so far. What do you think of the colour? (Still has a couple of weeks conditioning bear in mind)

July 2021 competition- Belgian Beers

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 01:55 PM PDT

This is the first time Belgian beer's have been allocated its own monthly competition slot. I am really looking forward to judging this, judging will be on the last weekend of July starting on the 30th. I am hoping for a good wide variety of styles, this could be anything from a single up to a quad, pale or IPA, Saison, sour, biere de grade, Belgian strong, Belgian speciality beer, Brett beer. The list is almost endless
Please follow the competition guidelines if you are new to entering the...

July 2021 competition- Belgian Beers

mini keg help

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 01:52 PM PDT

yesterday i just prime with sugar into the mini keg and today found the pressure bung must have blown off , will i need to prime again ?

Mango ipa

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 01:40 PM PDT

Hi all,
Into my version 2 of a mango ipa which went down a storm, with everyone who tried it, just trying to tweak it and wondering after initial fermentation, when I dry hop can i put the mango in at the same time?

Thanks guys, for all the help you have given previously,

Stalled, dead, fermenting or finished?

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 01:32 PM PDT

After nearly 10 years since my last brew I thought I'd dig out the equipment and get brewing. But I'm a bit puzzled and hope for some advice please.

It's a bog standard Muntons IPA bitter, I used the bundled yeast and 1kg of Youngs enhancer. Initially the OG was 1.05. The instructions said it should be 1.04 so I watered it down to 1.04. I realise now that's the difference between normal supermarket sugar and enhancer. The instructions also say FG should be 1.005.

3 days in and it's at...

Stalled, dead, fermenting or finished?


Posted: 23 Jul 2021 01:30 PM PDT


beginner here. The more I've been delving into the world of AG videos / research etc, it has led me to wonder how important water treatment is. I normally just use tap water (I believe it's quite hard in my area). Is this a problem?

Also I plan to fill my kettle tonight and leave the water in ready for switch on tommorow afternoon, will this give me any problems

King Keg valve question

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 01:03 PM PDT

Hi all.
Could someone let me know please if this is the correct valve on my kingkeg to buy the S30 bulb holder for 8gr C02 pin bulbs.

Many thanks I'm advance.

And in other news...

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:45 PM PDT

I thought it might be nice to have a space for those completely different things that perhaps explain why we've been a bit quiet here or haven't been brewing πŸ˜„.

Our evening and weekends at home this last few weeks have been spent building a fruit and veg patch at the end of the garden, taking up the patchy turf and putting in new planters and some fruit bushes. We are both a wee bit tired but chuffed with this and have been enjoying the fruits (literally) of our labours already. The...

And in other news...

Cleaning beer lines with a drill powered pump

Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:33 PM PDT


Firstly, I hope I'm posting this in the right place.

I have recently built my first kegerator, just need to clean, sanitise and brew something to put in it!

I know I can use my co2 to push the cleaner and sanitiser through my lines. But I happen to have an old, drill powered pump (see below), firstly, could I use this to circulate cleaner/sanitiser through my lines? If so, is it worth the effort to save a little co2? Or should I not be so tight?

If it is possible, how do I...

Cleaning beer lines with a drill powered pump


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