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Thursday, August 5, 2021

Aussie Home Brewer

Aussie Home Brewer

Bottling with Kveik yeast

Posted: 05 Aug 2021 06:22 AM PDT

Hello brewers,
I have searched the forums and the internet and found varying information.

my question is - does anyone bottle their beer when using kveik yeast as the primary fermentation yeast ? (common strains from Lallemand, or such, like Voss)

I see a lot of people using kveik, but in a keg situation - I'm simply not to be trusted around a keg at home; so I bottle.

the reports are varied, some say it is the same as other yeasts, some suggest adding more priming sugar, and yet...

Bottling with Kveik yeast

Dry Hopped Hard Kombucha

Posted: 05 Aug 2021 01:08 AM PDT

Anybody having a go at making hard Kombucha. Tried a few of the shelf in the local bottleo and quite like the sourness and tang of Sneaky Bucha XPA. The other fruity ones taste to much like lolly water to me. Got myself a Mad Millie kit, organic black tea and white sugar from Aldi to knock up about 10lts of Komhoocha. The plan at this stage is to start with a litre of active SCOBY from the kit and then build up to the final 10L batch size. I am thinking of dry hopping as fermentation winds...

Dry Hopped Hard Kombucha

VICBREW 2021 - Call for Judges & Stewards

Posted: 04 Aug 2021 06:50 PM PDT

Greetings beer Judges and Stewards,

We hope you'll be able to assist as a JUDGE or STEWARD at this year's VicBrew 2021.

To volunteer, please go to our new competition website Vicbrew 2021

We're now using BCOE&M competition software, so if you haven't registered before, you'll need to create a new account at Vicbrew 2021 before you head to the Volunteers tab.

This year the judging will be on the weekend of the...

VICBREW 2021 - Call for Judges & Stewards

Need to repitch?

Posted: 04 Aug 2021 05:48 PM PDT

I put down a Russian Imperial Stout with an OG of 1.084 on Monday. Added nutrient in the boil and oxygenated it the way I normally would. Then pitched a half pack each of Windsor and Nottingham in 4.5L of wort. It took off very quickly but there hasn't been any airlock activity since Tuesday night. It's in a glass carboy so I can't easily check the gravity.

Is it likely the primary fermentation has finished so quickly? Or should I throw in another half pack of S-04?

50L SS mash tun & HLT for sale

Posted: 04 Aug 2021 04:49 PM PDT

Stainless steel 50L mash tun and 30L Fowlers HLT for sale.

Mash tun with false bottom, drainage arm and tap. $80

Electric HLT $30

in Ormond, Melbourne


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