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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Aussie Home Brewer

Aussie Home Brewer


Posted: 17 Aug 2021 08:25 PM PDT


Seem to be having a recurrent infection that I need some help knowing where the likely culprits are. I bottle my beer, is great for a couple of months then the bottles over carbonate. No explodey ones but they gush. I've been burping the bottles to save them but it's a bloody hassle. Doesn't seem to be every batch, maybe every second one. Beer tastes fine, no sourness, just over carbed.

I use a keggle, transfer via pump to mash tun eski. Then use a bag to lift it, then back to the...


Lallemand premium series yeast

Posted: 17 Aug 2021 07:56 PM PDT

Hi guys does any one know the difference between what Lallemand call their premium series as opposed to their normal series yeasts? for instance you can get Nottingham ale (the one I'm interested in) in both, so whats the difference?

My kegolator degasses itself

Posted: 17 Aug 2021 05:01 PM PDT


I have been lurking for about a year, and find very useful both for recipes and ideas. I'm now asking for some technical help.

I have a kegland kegolator and I am having some real trouble with the set-up degassing itself. It will be fine one night, and the next, the system has no CO2 at all. None in the kegs and none in the CO2 container. I've done all the checks on the lines and connections, and they appear to be fine (using soapy water, and no leaks at the...

My kegolator degasses itself


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