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Friday, August 20, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

Cornelius Keg x2 Raffle!!

Posted: 20 Aug 2021 07:05 PM PDT

New Raffle

30 Tickets @ £4 Each

Total income from tickets is £120, this values the kegs at £60 each

Can choose any two 10l or 19l kegs

Link to raffle ->


pennine's brewdays

Posted: 20 Aug 2021 05:06 PM PDT

163 - summit ipa
as a gift for tying for first on the jan competition i was given a huge bag of summit. found this recipe on hbt a while back and figured to give it a shot. i had bought a pack of summit last year and was really disappointed with it, this one already smells and tastes light years better. is making me thing maybe the summit wasn't bad but was the kveik i was trying out as well?

2.00 kgHook Head Pale (5.0 EBC)74.6 %

Common word pairs.

Posted: 20 Aug 2021 05:04 PM PDT

I have seen this on another forum and its popular so will give it a go here.

It doesn't need to be beer related anything goes, it also doesn't need to match any of the words in the previous post.

I will start it with -

Kings Head (pub)

Hi from Caithness

Posted: 20 Aug 2021 04:24 PM PDT

Hey folks, figured I'd say hi. Probably been over 30 years since i last made wine. Only kit stuff though. My wife bought me a Youngs 30 bottle Merlot kit for Xmas and I got around to making it a couples weeks ago. Turned out to be more of a Rose than a Merlot, but it's quite a nice drink and I managed to get a little over 29 bottles, so quite pleased.

I never had many demijohns in the past but I gave them away a few years ago, not thinking that I'd make a return to wine making. Anyway, made...

Hi from Caithness

Return to brewing

Posted: 20 Aug 2021 03:56 PM PDT

Hey all,

Its been a long while since I brewed and was on here, so I thought I should say hello again.

I am Matt and I am based in Portsmouth.

Currently got a peach wine kit that is a bit out of date nearing completion.

Looking forward to you meeting you all.



Which movie(s) have you watched recently?

Posted: 20 Aug 2021 03:43 PM PDT

I'm a bit of a cinephile, movies are probably my second love after brewing, I have a "watchlist" which is almost as long as my "brewlist" and I try to watch a couple of films off it each week.

I'm always open for suggestions and love hearing what people have watched recently, what their opinion was and why.

With such a melange of people on the forum I'm sure I'm not the only one, so what are you watching, or have you watched recently?

I'll go first, last night I watched...

Which movie(s) have you watched recently?

Show Us Your Bird

Posted: 20 Aug 2021 02:28 PM PDT

Just nicked this from the Independent. It's an amazing photo. The thieving little bar-steward.

Makes a change from reading about the depredations of the Tali-wing-nuts in Afghanistan and whining Incest losers. Does anyone remember going to the Pure Drop in Lagland Street, Poole, when they had a parrot on the bar. Dangerous bit of kit, as I recall.

Why would you choose not to shop @ Kegthat [POLL]

Posted: 20 Aug 2021 02:00 PM PDT

Hey guys, trying to improve and expand and would love some feedback on why you would go elsewhere :)

Please respond to the poll if you have some spare time and comment below any extra info and I will take immediate action!

PB leaking , not cap or tap!

Posted: 20 Aug 2021 01:58 PM PDT

Hi, help needed.
Been away for a week and got back to find one of my PB's leaking from the molding . Just above the tap.
there is still pressure in the barrel and beer tastes ok,( woodfordes Wherry). After I'd drawn some of to taste the leak got worse so I've tilted the barrel on its side to stop the leak.
what can I do now ? I've got a spare barrel I could transfer it too but is there anyway to repair it.
Any help appreciated

Bitter brewday tomorrow

Posted: 20 Aug 2021 01:18 PM PDT

Got things cleaned and ready, and this lot is going in tomorrow ....

3kg Simpsons maris otter
1kg simpsons best pale malt
500g spelt malt
200g cara what
200g acid malt
200g oat malt
50g chocolate malt

Aiming for a nice middle of the road bitter ... but got carried away with the malt list :)

Hops to be decided tomorrow from what I've got left in the freezer.

Keeping pumps clean

Posted: 20 Aug 2021 01:12 PM PDT

I use the small 12 volt dc solar pumps for recirculating and transferring during my brew day. When I've finished a circulate hot clean water through the pumps and when it's time to brew again they get stripped down to clean all the nasty black gunge out and sanitise. I'm thinking this must be a problem with all pumps left wet after a brew day. I did strip the pumps down immediately after brew day for a clean and air dry then I left them in bits until next brew day but for some reason...

Keeping pumps clean

yeast starter confusion

Posted: 20 Aug 2021 01:07 PM PDT

Planning on making a yeast starter for my next brew. The liquid yeast I have says its good for a 19ltr batch. Though we're aiming for a 19ltre batch we might end up with a touch more and its a high OG beer. This coupled with the fact I didn't put the yeast in the fridge immediately I just feel I want to give the yeast the best chance when I pitch it.

I've looked on a number of YouTube and other sources and there are some differences and I'm not sure what I need to do. Some say you need to...

yeast starter confusion

Kveik Stuck Fermentation - what to do?

Posted: 20 Aug 2021 01:07 PM PDT

I'm fermenting this Kveik NEIPA

Started at 35C. It's now 6 days in and still at 1020-1022.

I put in the dry hops 3 days ago dropped to 32C.

2 days ago I added 2 tsp of yeast nutrient but it doesn't seem to have done anything. Possibly it's gone down 1-2 points in 2 days but that could be sample variation / temperature.

I removed the dry hops today.

Should I leave the fermenter at...

Kveik Stuck Fermentation - what to do?

Best opening song lyrics.

Posted: 20 Aug 2021 01:00 PM PDT

What do you think is the best opening song lyric?

Perhaps if you post the song/artist and let us find out the first line ourselves?

I present - Kraftwerk - Showroom Dummies. (I would hasten to add counting in the start of a song doesn't qualify. ;-) )

How many litres of home brew have you made 2021.

Posted: 20 Aug 2021 12:28 PM PDT

Last years record has been smashed was Covid part of the reason, did you make more in 2020 than you would have had covid not happened?

2020 total - 33156

2019 total - 22,170

2018 total - 15337

Hi from Oakley, Hampshire

Posted: 20 Aug 2021 12:18 PM PDT

Its been around 8 years since I started home brewing and have now retired so will be able to spend a bit more time at this. My late father was a big home brewer back in the 1970s and also a National Beer judge and those memories and the resulting real ale, I suppose, got me into it. I started off with a couple of kits and soon moved onto experimenting with extract brews before taking the plunge with an all-grain set up 5 years ago and have never looked back. Trouble is I always want to keep...

Hi from Oakley, Hampshire


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