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Thursday, May 13, 2021

Aussie Home Brewer

Aussie Home Brewer

I also wrote a first year hops growers guide.

Posted: 13 May 2021 08:12 PM PDT

Contains all the information you need to get it right for the first season. Im planning to write a series of 4 books eventually. If you're interested in growing hops. This is 100% going to help you a lot. 12500 words and its all about growing hops and the common problems we have in Australia in that regards.

Cheers Stu

Books – Silver Springs Hops & Permaculture Farm (

Hops Rhizome Pre Orders are open

Posted: 13 May 2021 08:08 PM PDT

Hops Rhizome Pre Orders here ----> Hop rhizomes – Silver Springs Hops & Permaculture Farm (

I also wrote an actual 'Growers Guide'. 12500 words, some pictures. Should take you through first season like the champion hops grower everyone can become.

Growing Hops: A Guide to...

Hops Rhizome Pre Orders are open

Final Gravity

Posted: 13 May 2021 07:07 PM PDT

Gday first time using this sort of thing
I just brewed a choc maple stout OG was 1.050 FG is 1.020. Any clues how to get the FG down lower? I've down heaps of beers n ales by the kit/kilo method and added extra dextrose to give them more kick but the FG is generally higher than the 1.010 I'm aiming for. Do I need to add more yeast to break down the extra sugars? By the way after about a week in the fermenter I keg it and bottle the excess...
Any feedback or tips is appreciated
Kind regards...

Final Gravity

Smaller Batch Brewing - CraftBeer Pi

Posted: 13 May 2021 03:21 PM PDT

Smaller Batch Brewing

Increasingly I get the urge to brew small batches of 10-15 litres just to increase the variety of beers I have available.

However time and effort bite into my little plan, whatever I do has to a large extent be "set and forget" which is were CbPi comes in.

I have a spare 3B+ and a lot of hardware that might be reusable in such a system that includes a low density element, pump, SS fittings...

What I'm mulling over is a two vessel kettle rims (Counter Top Brutus...

Smaller Batch Brewing - CraftBeer Pi

Lager yeast types

Posted: 13 May 2021 04:33 AM PDT

Hey all,

To cut to the chase I bought a few different types of liquid lager yeast to try and to be completely honest I'm not sure I'm picking any difference whatsoever between any of them.. which kinda gets me thinking, is it possible alot if not all are actually the same strains being resold as different types?

Basic Question on an Irish Red Ale

Posted: 13 May 2021 12:38 AM PDT

It is my first attempt at an all grain recipe and I have found a Red ale I would like to try as a first. My knowledge of things is raw but I have a couple of questions.
1) I am aiming to get around 21 or 23 Litres in the fermenter but not sure if the grain is enough to achieve that. Do I need to increase and if so how would i do that. Just increase the % of each one.
2) The ABV on Brewfather (I am only just learning that too, shows around 3.9 and I'd like to make it around 5%, is that...

Basic Question on an Irish Red Ale


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