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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Create And Size Your Own Beer Recipes

Hey there!

Homebrewing and haute cuisine might not seem like they have much in common, other than folks coming around for a free taste after all the hard work is done. But as you've probably noticed, success on brewing day usually involves another culinary tradition: following a recipe. Without one, you've got a better shot at making cream of wheat than cream ale.

That doesn't mean you're stuck making other peoples' brews forever, of course. Why not take a page from the world's finest chefs and take a shot at drafting (heh) the recipe for your next beer? While you're at it, mix things up with honey as your sugar, or get inspired to create a localized masterpiece by growing everything you need for great beer in your garden. Before you know it, you'll have a blueprint for your new favorite brew.

Happy Brewing!
Matt, Founder of
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