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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

What did you learn today?

Posted: 05 May 2021 07:56 PM PDT

Today I learned that if you're going to poke a spoon (well, a cake slice, don't ask) into your wort, sanitise the whole thing and not just the business end . . . Because when, not if, it slips and falls in you will worry less what nasties you may have introduced.

Anybody making custom labels?

Posted: 05 May 2021 05:26 PM PDT

Anybody dabbled in label printers or applicators? If so I'm interested to know what you're using

Gas and fizziness?

Posted: 05 May 2021 04:34 PM PDT

Hi everyone,

I used to use a pure CO2 gas bottle with my corny kegs, but I now have a 'beer gas' bottle which is 60% CO2 and 40% Nitrogen.

I'm just not getting the fizz, despite having the keg at 3.5C and pressure at 30PSI which this chart says should give me 2.6 volumes CO2.

I've read that the pressure in the keg should go down as the gas is absorbed, but I don't see more than a...

Gas and fizziness?

Water profile for wheat beer

Posted: 05 May 2021 03:29 PM PDT

My tap water is this:

Hco3 = 159
Ca2 = 100
So42 = 113
Cl = 26

I was planning to give the 22l total water 14ml of crs, to adjust to (if my calcs are correct):

Hco3 = 27
Ca2 = 137
So42 = 242
Cl = 122

Any recommendations?

Ive used the wrong malt!

Posted: 05 May 2021 03:26 PM PDT

Brilliantly I've manged to screw up a recipe that has 2 malts and 1 hop.
It was supposed to be a mosaic pale ale using 5.2kg of pale and 100g dark crystal but I picked up black crystal instead!
Any idea what beer style this will give me as I no longer know what to call it...
It's much darker than it should be, like a Mild or even a porter.

Easy Keg 5L

Posted: 05 May 2021 03:24 PM PDT

Before I waste 24 quid buying four of these...
Anyone here use them?

If they function OK, they look like a cracking, inexpensive bit of kit for storing a session brew.

30 litre speidel, will it fit in an undercounter fridge?

Posted: 05 May 2021 03:04 PM PDT

I'm looking to buy a secondhand undercounter fridge to convert to a fermentation chamber and upgrading to a 30l Speidal.

Height: 47 cm Diameter: 34 cm, without the airlock.

I am just wondering if anyone has this set up working, before I buy the fermenter and start looking for a fridge.


May Competition - American Pale Ales

Posted: 05 May 2021 02:47 PM PDT

I have had a few enquiries already so I thought I would post. Time to get all of your American type pales - pale ale, West Coast, East Coast etc etc, in for the monthly comp.

I am planning on judging on the weekend of the 5th June.

PM for my address

Peter Kays brother

Posted: 05 May 2021 02:40 PM PDT

Goes for breakfast.

"If i lived here i would be double the size i am now"

O.K its not his brother, i couldn't stop watching.

Too late now...

Posted: 05 May 2021 02:33 PM PDT

Another late corny convert here, like @Rodcx500z I have taken the plunge with a starter kit from Brewkegtap.

I went for the sodastream keg kit with pluto gun and upgraded ODL regulator.

I have been considering 10L mini kegs since I started brewing smaller all grain batches but realised I could get a corny in my smaller cold crash/beer chilling fridge and maybe later get some mini kegs to which I can transfer under pressure if the corny starts reproducing.

I will still...

Too late now...

Cushyno Brewdays etc..

Posted: 05 May 2021 02:18 PM PDT

It's maybe time to start my own brewday thread. Today I do my 15th all-grain brewday, and what better time to consider doing a write-up than when I'm already half way through. That'll probably be typical of how things will be around here - sporadic, messy and nonsensical.

So here goes...

It's roughly a Best Bitter by the numbers. And it's had 45 minutes in the mash tun. Time to remove the freshly poured Brown Porter (AG14), and get sparging under way.


Cushyno Brewdays etc..

The Dummies' Guide to Brewzilla

Posted: 05 May 2021 01:55 PM PDT

So I bought a Robobrew Brewzilla 3.1.1. I'd only done one AG brew, on the stove top and decided that I needed more effective equipment. The price difference between an effective 3 vessel system and a Brewzilla seemed so minimal that going all in on an all in one seemed like a good idea.

I did loads of research online, watched hours of videos, and decided the Brewzilla was for me. One waiting list and a ship bound from China later and I had one. Then I tried to use it, and realised that...

The Dummies' Guide to Brewzilla

Bottle NEIPA after 9days?

Posted: 05 May 2021 01:42 PM PDT

Hi guys
Brewed an extract based NEIPA on Apr 6th (1.061) and it's already at 1.015 as of today the 11th!! So I rekon it's pretty much done although I'm really amazed it is... if I chuck in my 2nd DH already tomorrow and leave for 3 days, is bottling on 15th going to be way too early?? Thats only 9days... This is my first NEIPA and they seem to be a unique beast 😊


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