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Thursday, June 24, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

Equipment questions please :)

Posted: 24 Jun 2021 04:17 PM PDT

Hey guys

We are looking at upgrading from BIAB this month coming, and I wondered if I could get some expert advice from some of you?

We have definitely decided on a Fermzilla for a starters. We wanted a Brewzilla too but can't afford both just yet. So my question is, if we get a digiboil, what will we have to do regarding sparging and cooling?

Is there a way to sparge without having to hold the bag aloft the whole time? Because that seems like a right royal pain in the a$$! Also would an...

Equipment questions please :)

EE to reintroduce Europe roaming charges in January

Posted: 24 Jun 2021 03:30 PM PDT

Will the rest follow soon?

Mobile operator EE will charge new UK customers extra to use their mobile phones in Europe from January.
Those joining or upgrading from 7 July 2021 will be charged £2 a day to use their allowances in 47 European destinations from January 2022.
EE, which is part of BT Group, previously said it had no plans to reintroduce roaming charges in Europe.
It is the first UK operator to reintroduce the charges since the EU trade deal was signed in December...

EE to reintroduce Europe roaming charges in January

Matching a water profile

Posted: 24 Jun 2021 03:02 PM PDT

I have been given a specific water profile to use for a recipe, and as I use RO water as my source water, I thought it would be easy to build the exact profile. Here is the profile:

Ca 100, Mg 7, Na 100, Cl 150, SO4 60

The closest my brewing software will get me with the salt additions I have in stock is:

Ca 61, Mg 6, Na 63, Cl 149, SO4 60

So, pretty close, but I can't seem to raise the calcium and sodium without throwing something else out. I guess it's a bit of a balancing act but just...

Matching a water profile

Yeast for Golden Ale

Posted: 24 Jun 2021 02:59 PM PDT

I'm planning on brewing a slightly tweaked version of a lovely English golden ale I brewed last summer. At the time I used Nottingham, but now I've got a few liquid yeasts that I've never used before and wondered if anyone can make a recommendation.

I've got WLP002 English Ale, WLP005 British Ale and WY1187 Ringwood. I've also got some WY1469 West Yorkshire, but that's bottom cropped after a couple of uses, don't know how much it's mutated already. Unfortunately I managed to smash the jar...

Yeast for Golden Ale

BIAB recipe ideas...

Posted: 24 Jun 2021 02:57 PM PDT

Hi all,

Planning on doing a couple of brews soon (IPA) and was hoping for some feedback on the following recipes (both will be 20-23L after diluting).

I'm doing BIAB with my 19L pot so I tend to mash in as much water as i can get away with then top up during the boil and add cold in the fermenter too if necessary.

Brew #1

- 4.5kg Marris otter w/ 700g flaked oats
- Mash at 68degC for 60 mins + a sparge to brim my 19L pot
- Boil for an hour
- 50g Magnum added very late boil...

BIAB recipe ideas...

Foaming Yeast Starter

Posted: 24 Jun 2021 02:56 PM PDT

Here is my next issue. My yeast starters seem to foam excessively.

Both this and the last one foamed right at the start of fermentation, is this normal?
Should I start the sir plate after initial fermemtation?
Should I speed the stir plate up, currently as slow as possible to stop if foaming over.

This has to be a con!

Posted: 24 Jun 2021 02:47 PM PDT

Does anyone else think this is too good to be true?

kegland Kegland/Keg King 19L Cornelius Ball Lock Keg (NEW) - Hoppy Days Brewing Supplies -

I was looking for a mini reg and stumbled across this site (apparently from Slovenia). They are basically selling everything for about £12. And I do mean EVERYTHING.

ITC100VH PID help please

Posted: 24 Jun 2021 02:21 PM PDT

Last week I made a post on my equipment upgrade build, it all went pretty much as planned, except I didn't have quite enough cable so couldn't connect my hlt.
I did my first brew the next day and I have a query over the behaviour of my Inkbird ITC100VH PID, with pt100 thermocouple, I did ask at the end of my last post but the post rambled on a bit, so boredom probably set in before anyone reached the end.
First of all the temperature jumps around a lot, as the temp is climbing it can rapidly...

ITC100VH PID help please

Recomendation for Water Analysis

Posted: 24 Jun 2021 01:18 PM PDT

Can anyone recommend a UK lab for getting my water tested.

New Limited Edition Kit Giveaway! From Love Brewing!!!

Posted: 24 Jun 2021 01:14 PM PDT


The lucky winner will be able to choose a kit from these 3 new Kits.

goose   Love Brewing.png

American Goose...

New Limited Edition Kit Giveaway! From Love Brewing!!!

Where is Strange-Steve?

Posted: 24 Jun 2021 01:06 PM PDT

He hasn't, to my knowledge, been very active lately.
Any idea where he is???

Windows 11 is Coming.

Posted: 24 Jun 2021 12:44 PM PDT

They said in 2015 windows 10 would be the final version it looks like they changed their mind.

Another noob in need of aid.

Posted: 24 Jun 2021 12:38 PM PDT

I'm a novice at the whole wine making journey but have read up a fair amount about the process in terms of the task of making said wine and the chemistry of how it happens but what I need is some experience. First post so I hope I'm giving enough info to aid you in aiding me...

The Experiment
My first experimental must is a 5 litre batch of raspberry conserve (jam) wine that had an IG of 1.130. The recipe used was basically 3 pots of jam, water and heaps of sugar to take the IG up to...

Another noob in need of aid.

My Brewdays

Posted: 24 Jun 2021 12:06 PM PDT

Thought I'd keep all my brewdays on one thread from now on

Purchased a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Clone from The Malt Miller. First brew using my SS Brewbucket, thought I'd chuck a kit onto the order too. Service from TMM was excellent

Brewed this on 23rd Jan.

5.45kg lager malt
450g pale crystal malt.

30g Northern brewer @60m
30g Cascade @ 30m
70g Cascade @ 0m

1/2 Camden, 1tsp gypsum & 25ml CRS added to mash water.

5ml CRS added to sparge water (7l)

Heated up 27l of water in...

My Brewdays

Adding passion fruit puree?

Posted: 24 Jun 2021 12:01 PM PDT

I've just bottled a Belgian Tripel and while I was doing so I racked off a gallon into a demijohn to sit on a brett culture I keep going. I love experimenting with brett on a range of beers. Anyway, I was in Lidl the other day and picked up a can of passion fruit puree. I'm thinking of adding to the demijohn, but having never added fruit to a beer unsure of when to do it. The brett works quite slowly, so I guess I don't want to add it too soon? Or is this a crazy idea anyway? (Might even do...

Adding passion fruit puree?


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