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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The HomeBrew Forum

The HomeBrew Forum

Covid the jab and the final stage.

Posted: 20 Jul 2021 06:03 PM PDT

SWMBO is a front line worker (carer) she has had the first jab and is now tested twice a week she also has the lateral flow test with the results showing 30 minutes after the test whenever she goes to work on the other days, there are no cases of Covid where she works and there hasn't been for quite a while.

I am hoping as a front line worker my turn will come soon my age will also help, its not often i am glad i am an old fart. :laugh8:

Bluetooth thermometer

Posted: 20 Jul 2021 03:44 PM PDT


Posted: 20 Jul 2021 03:34 PM PDT

I've been bottling my beers till now.
I like to drink a variety of beers, normally only one per night, maybe two or three at the weekend. How long will beer keep in a keg once started and is it worth the extr expense of kegs, second fridge to keep beer cool and any other equipment I may need. I am a complete keg novice. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.


Common word pairs.

Posted: 20 Jul 2021 02:37 PM PDT

I have seen this on another forum and its popular so will give it a go here.

It doesn't need to be beer related anything goes, it also doesn't need to match any of the words in the previous post.

I will start it with -

Kings Head (pub)

Low ABV reading

Posted: 20 Jul 2021 02:25 PM PDT

I brewed my first stout and the wort refractometer reading was brix 8 and after 5 days in all bubbling has stopped, i decided to take another reading and it came back brix 4 , the online calculator reads 3.596 ABV Original Gravity 1.032 , the recipe says pre boil 1.038 / OG 1.045 ABV 4.3% . Do you think this has finished fermentation ? I think it might have fermented fast because of the hot weather I had been try to keep it cool with water and ice but i bet its been 20c to 22c ...

Low ABV reading

Cardamom substitute

Posted: 20 Jul 2021 02:21 PM PDT

Hi all,

any suggestions for a substitute for cardamom in Garam Masala? Spouse is allergic to it (not the "don't like" sort of allergy, the excessive activity at both ends, blisters all over sort). So curry houses are a no-no and I'm about to try to up my game on the homemade ones. Garam Masala seems to be used in pretty much everything and cardamom has been in every mix I've seen. Not sure whether I can just leave it out of my own or if there's an obvious replacement...

Corny 310 beer cooler

Posted: 20 Jul 2021 02:10 PM PDT

I am thinking of getting a 310 type beer chiller and was wondering whether it would be CO2 or Nitro/mix that I would need to serve.
I am planning to have pub kegs of cider and lager as well so need mix gas for those, once my beer is carbed and conditioned I was guessing I could serve with the same gas?

Anyone have a Kegland Kegerator - question regarding keg sizes

Posted: 20 Jul 2021 01:41 PM PDT

Hi guys,
big birthday coming up and permission has been granted for a Kegland Kegerator. clapa

The latest Series X boasts it can hold 4 kegs but looking at specification it looks like Kegland kegs are slightly thinner (and taller) than the 'standard' AEB type Corny kegs I have.

Does anyone have experience of fitting non Kegland kegs into the Kegland Kegerator?

Or will I need to purchase the Kegland kegs in order to get the best use out of the Kegerator.



Can't be right, surely?

Posted: 20 Jul 2021 01:16 PM PDT

Hi all

Been putting off a brew day due to the warm spell we're having.
Just read the spec on US-05 as listed on the fermentis website, 18-28c recommend fermentation temp? I take it that's just them saying it will ferment as high as 28c but don't expect to enjoy drinking the beer it makes? Has anyone used it that high? Might have to dig out a trug and plant the f/v in there as my beer fridge has got my kegs in it.


Can't be right, surely?

New range of kits from Muntons arriving in the spring

Posted: 20 Jul 2021 01:15 PM PDT

I was contacted recently by Muntons to see if I would be prepared to brew one of their new kits that are due to be launched in spring 2021. I agreed and will be starting the brew this weekend and then supplying feedback to Muntons.

All of the new kits are 2 x can malt extract kits, with yeast and hops, and Muntons describe them as 'kits with modern flavours and styles'. The range is as follows;

American Pale Ale – 4.5% ABV
West Coast IPA – 6.5% ABV
American Amber Ale 4.5% ABV
New England...

New range of kits from Muntons arriving in the spring

Mark K’s Brewdays

Posted: 20 Jul 2021 01:08 PM PDT

Thought I'd jump on the old bandwagon and make the move on from the "what did you brew today" thread. I suppose that even if no-one reads it I'll have a record for myself ๐Ÿ˜‚ Oh well, here goes ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

Busy day today. After setting out at kegging my Old Freckled Chicken and being faced with the prospect of having an empty FV I decided today would be my second consecutive brew day.

I'm now on a mission to use up existing hop supplies with a 25kg sack of clear choice pale malt but didn't have enough...

Mark K's Brewdays

You couldn't make it up.

Posted: 20 Jul 2021 01:02 PM PDT

Its been leathering it down all day up here i woulnt fancy going on the motorway with string operating the wipers.

Pigs in blankets anyone. ;)

North West Motorway Police

Vehicle drove passed us on the M62 After seeing what appeared to be a leg stuck up in the back window we stopped it to find 2 full dead pigs that had just been purchased!

Driver had no driving license & his wipers were being worked by string by the...

You couldn't make it up.

Posting bottles, Glass, Plastic and all different sizes?

Posted: 20 Jul 2021 12:51 PM PDT

Usually I have some spare amazon or other boxes around which I can fit a bottle or so in to post but I'm looking for something a bit quicker to package and more consistent. I found this previous thread but the links included now 404 out Posting Bottles

So I'm keen to gather the collective wisdom on packaging for sending beer onto others: Plastic? Glass? Options for up to three bottles maybe, secure oh and low...

Posting bottles, Glass, Plastic and all different sizes?

The Range MYO Kits

Posted: 20 Jul 2021 12:00 PM PDT

The range have knocked £4 off their wine kits ,think it may also include cider n beer but not sure .The white comes down to £15.99 and Red n Rose 20.99 .Prices instore havnt changed but they deduct £4 per kit at checkout .The online price shows the discount already applied :)

Copied from the sales section as members may not be aware these kits exist - C_T

foxbat's brewdays

Posted: 20 Jul 2021 10:56 AM PDT

I thought I might as well join the fun and post my own brewday log here in the forum. Today is an experimental bitter with the following recipe. I've never used Northdown before but Fullers use it and I very much enjoy a pint of Pride. I've also never added Chocolate malt to a bitter before but it's there in one of my favourite bitters of late: Darkstar Partridge so I'm putting the two together and doing this today:

85% Pale Malt
10% Munich Malt
3% Crystal 240 EBC
2% Low colour chocolate...

foxbat's brewdays


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